Tire Derived Fuel (TDF)
A major use for scrap tires is fuel. Tire-derived-fuel (tdf) is a fuel derived from scrap tires of all kinds.This may include whole tire or tires processed into uniform, flowable pieces that satisfy the specifications of the end-user. Scrap tires are used as fuel either shredded or whole depending on the type of combustion unit.
Tyre derived fuel provides an alternative energy resource to replace fossil fuels such as gas, coal or oil in industrial applications such as cement kilns,pulp and paper industry,electricity generation or industrial process heat.
With proper emission controls, burning tires for their fuel energy can be an environmentally sound method of disposing a difficult waste
Scrap tires make an excellent fuel because of their high heat value. Each tire has energy potential. The heating value of an average size passenger tire is between 13,000 and 15,000 Btu/lb.,for mining tires 17,500 Btu/lb., which compares with about 10,000 to 12,000Btu/lb. for coal. The primary reason for using tire fuels is to save fuel costs.
TDF Standards
ASTM 6700-01 “Standard Practice for Use of Scrap Tire-Derived Fuel”