In 2019, National Tire Recycling Group received the Certificate of Recognition from the Government of Alberta that confirms we meet all requirements as laid out in the OHS Legislation of Alberta. Our corporate policy on Health, Safety & Environment ensures our commitment to continue to build a safe and healthy environment for our employees and all those who visit our location.
““National Tire Recycling Group is committed to an environmentally responsible, safe and healthy workplace for our employees, sub-contractors, clients and the public at large.
Our management, supervisors and all employees are responsible to ensure that National Tire Recycling Group meets or exceeds all requirements as laid out in the Occupational Health and Safety legislation of Alberta.
As President of National Tire Recycling Group, I am committed to the development and maintenance of our Health, Safety & Environment program as well as our HSE goals and objectives. An annual review and revision of our HSE policies, procedures, goals and objectives ensures they remain current and effective.”
In 2018 National Tire Recycling Group recorded an injury free year and we strive to continue that success through the implementation and ongoing review and refinement of HSE program.
In addition, National Tire Recycling Group achieved 100% compliance on ComplyWorks in 2019.